Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Star Wars Quiz

Wow... test your quickness and Star Wars knowledge here.

Beat my score of 52375.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Thanks Hawk!!

I just wanted to thank Hawk for dogging on my Blog color scheme... I feel better now. Oh, and go check HIS blog out.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

All I want for Christmas....

I know it has been awhile, and it will be a little longer. But to tide you over is a link to the new holiday collection, Christmas in July anybody?


Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Mmmmm.... Red Sauce

If you have ever see the words mentioned in this entries title, then you must have played JK2 or JKA against a good friend of mine. As far as Canadians go, his okay... hehe.

[I tried to post something rude and mean, but it just didn't come out that way]

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

How Stuff Works.... a lightsaber?


Have you ever heard of the website howstuffworks.com? It is an excellent resource for learning, of course, how something works.

Well, they have outdone themselves by posting an article on how a lightsaber works. Very well done. It looks like they really researched it well and as far as I can tell it doesn't conflict with anything from fiction novels or the Illustrated guides.

Check it out here.

Another Journey Begins

This is the second blog I have started in the span of a few weeks. Not sure what that means, other than it wasn't possible to categorize my posts by topics: Software Development vs Star Wars.

So here we are. From the title and description you can see that my Star Wars fanaticism reaches beyond just talking (or bloggin) about Star Wars. I am also a member of one of the greatest Jedi gaming clans on the Internet. And while the Jedi Knight games (II and Academy) have waned in popularity over the last six months to a year, the clan is alive and well.... even if they do play City of Hereos ;-)

See my links for their website.